To explore the opportunities between the gallery and village, creating a touch point that interacts between the two key aspects of Bruton.
Collaborative project with Oona McLeary, Steph Ramalhete and George Wilson.
This project was based off a trip the Hauser and Wirth gallery in Bruton. For our design approach we spoke to people who lived in the village and developed an opinion of the pros and cons of the gallery on Bruton's locals.
Through walking round we got to experience the other areas of Bruton that we wanted to encourage people to explore before visting the gallery.
My part in this project was to design the maps. As a group our design choice was "we dont want a normal map" so I attempted to design varied options. My starting process was based of the map design style. However I took images from places we visited and created some sketches based off the points we wanted to lead people to.
I designed the sketches and based them around the same colour schemes as the maps, four different versions for each. I had to design two animations for each route, one from the start point to the place we wanted to lead visitors to then from that point to Houser and Wirth.
The final animations were themed on gallery, community and abstract artwork of Bruton based on first hand pictures taken from the visit.
Final outcomes of the maps are shown in the video, this also shows which poster the animation leads to.
The process of designing the animations was styled to be more freehand and fun, I had to use google maps and layer them over the background. Afterwards I had to develop ideas for showing direction and fontface.
Collectively we decided to stick with a casual more professional approach to the type as we wanted to bring the type infront of the busy posters and maps.
As Houser and Wirth had a big lack of sign posts we wanted to upgrade the experience using our maps. We also wanted to use projectors outside the gallery to showcase the final point of the route.
This was my individual project for touchpoints based around interactive projectors.
My final route was around my group project ideas of paths around Bruton. I like the idea of desired paths, which are paths made by people continuously going off the presented path and choosing shortcuts.
The concept for 'hotspot' is to track people though out the gallery picking up the most liked gallery pieces, then displaying thermal patterns onto the floor representing that data. Partnered with a touchscreen voting system.
These would be called ‘Hotspots’. I wanted this to be a solitary and group event so at the end of the gallery I involved the voting system to encourage interaction.
Initial designs around Hotspot includes the research around the probability of the projectors, I got in touch with a company that sells this equipment to ensure this was a realistic idea.
Visual representation of how the thermal experience will be projected onto the gallery.
I designed this view using photoshop from an picture I took within the Houser and Wirth gallery.
Developing Wander and Hotspots I enjoyed diving into touchpoints. I was able to look into new aspects of graphics and interactive design outcomes. I also enjoyed researching into projectors as I was unaware of the unique uses it could have within creative projects.
This was the first project working hands on with an experience I had taken part in, exploring the gallery gave me more insight into how to expand on my designing.